Friday, August 31, 2007

For the last time

It feels kind of scary to be doing everything for the last time.
Last day of work a couple of days ago, last haircut a week ago, last trip out of Wellington yesterday. Marie raised an interesting point yesterday: I have no firm idea when I will see everyone again.
In some ways it would be easier if I was just going on the bog standard working holiday visa, because I would know I would be back in two years time. As it is, I have no idea when I will see people again- it could be 6 months (when they come and visit, hint hint), it could be 6 years.
What do you call my combination of happiness and sadness- is bittersweet the right word here? I do numbers, not words...

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Monday, August 6, 2007

Wellington Film Festival

The Wellington iteration of the International Film Festival has wrapped up, and that will be the last time I sit in the Paramount/Embassy for a while.

It is always a bit of a lottery picking movies from among the 200+ on offer. I managed to make it to all ten movies on my shortlist which I thought was impressively nerdy, but Dan went to about a dozen so he wins. I tried to do a little bit of research rather than picking essentially at random, but I still ended up picking in one case based on the picture in the festival brochure.

Movies which I would strongly recommend, Very very good, 8-9/10
Black Book. This is Paul Verhoeven at his finest, very powerful.
Deliver Us from Evil. MAJOR caveat: this documentary is about a pedophile priest, and contains interviews with the priest, his victims, and the church hierarchy. Harrowing, but very moving.

Movies which I would recommend, Very good, 7-8/10
Day Watch- Russian vampire hallucinogenic goodness
I have never forgotten you. Simon Weisenthal biopic, surprisingly uplifting.
Severance. This is just plain funny. The promotional blurb promised a mix of Shaun of the Dead and Hostel, which sums it up about right

Movies which I enjoyed, and I would recommend them if they came up in conversation, but I would not recommend unsolicited, 6-7/10
Cocaine Cowboys, Eagle vs Shark, Exiled, I Served the King of England, Jesus Camp, Rescue Dawn, Them

And before you think I am some kind of movie snob, the last movie I saw before the festival was Blades of Glory and I thought that was very very funny. Not as funny as Anchorman, but still very funny.

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