Friday, September 5, 2008

Homesickness at unexpected moments

I realised the other day that it has been over a year since I left NZ.

In that time I have had a few pangs of homesickness, but they have not come when I was expecting them. Which I guess is the point. When my cousin got married, it wasn’t not being at the wedding which triggered pangs of homesickness, it was hearing stories afterward about (mundane to non-family) shenanigans.

Shapeshifter played a concert a few months back. We got in just as they were starting up, and my first thought was “Yeah, this could be a pretty good concert. Lots of bright lights – check. Amped crowd – check. Thick NZ accents everywhere – check.” That turned out to be a slight understatement…

Their second song was New Day Come (audio above), and the moment it started all I could think of was my old walk to work, from Newtown all the way down Cuba St and then along the waterfront. On a crisp winter morning the sun would be nicely framed in the hills beyond the Hutt, rising on a slowly wakening city. Why did this song trigger such a strong reaction in me? I don’t know, but when the bass kicked in I was riding a wave of pure emotion – part musical ecstasy, part homesickness, a very potent mix.

It is not that I am having a crap time, far from it. Also, there are a number of travel and work opportunities possible in London which are simply not possible in NZ. But, and this is a 100% guaranteed but, I don't think I could live here permanently.
To put it another way: I am sure I will move back to Wellington in x years time. Currently x is undetermined.

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