Friday, October 26, 2007

The tale of a boy and a motorbike...

Once upon a time there was a boy called Simon, well isn't really a boy - more of a man given that he is nearing his 30th birthday...

Simon decided one morning that the time had come for him to learn how to ride a scooter (motorbike) you see he had never driven one before and he thought that the conditions on a remote Vietnamese island would be ideal - it had everything - narrow rocky uneven roads and large tooting trucks ready to push you into a ditch.
Simon had a wise girlfriend and she cautioned him against it, but the idea of speeding along the roads with the wind in his hair was too much.
The bike was duely presented to Simon, a shiney new black number with red racing stripes down the side - that will make it go faster Simon thought!
So he got on the bike, asked the man "how do you start it?". After learning this crucial lesson and noting where the breaks were he bunny hopped up the rocky drive out of site of the wise girlfriend and straight into a ditch and a tree covered in barbed wire.

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