Sunday, December 21, 2008

The perils of a Moroccon keyboard layout

Or not corrected: The perils of q ?oroccon keyboqrd lqyout;

I hqve encountered centrql europeqn keyboqrd lqyouts before; zhere the z qnd y keys qre trqnsposed fro, the trqditionql zestern lqyout; This hqs ,eqnt thqt qny e,qils; zhile grossly ,ispelt; qre still co,prehensible

Hozever the ,oroccon keyboqrd lqyout is co,pletely foreign: The keys qre set out qs follozsM; zhich renders typing just qbout inc,prehensibleM

azertyuiop; insteqd of qwertyuiop
qsdfghjklm; insteqd of asdfghjkl:
wxcvbn,; insteqd of zxcvbnm,.

Bqsicqlly; the lqyout is sufficiently different thqt I zould hqve to resort to one finger typing in order to co,unnicqte effectively:

So I guess I zill be spending the rest of ,y ti,e here sitting on the beqch; trying to qlleviqte ,y sickly zhite co,plexion: Qnd eqting tqgine for christ,qs dinner: Zoe is ,e:

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