Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bad Cover versions of Great Songs : I

Sometimes when I hear a cover version of a song, I wonder 'why did they do that?'
This might be because the cover is a completely faithful replica of the original, which doesn't add to my musical body of knowledge, or because the cover version omitted my favourite part of the original song - such as backing vocals or orchestration.

Then there are those cover versions which take everything that is holy about a great song and deconsecrate it, before throwing the remnants in a toilet and taking a giant poo to show who's the boss. After eating corn for lunch.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present Novospace covering beds are burning. This German techno outfit made a multi album career out of covers of successful 1980s songs, including this one.

What is so abominable about this cover version, I hear you ask?
a) The original is a great Aussie rock song, which has been bastardised into a Eurodance single which sounds just like every other Eurodance single. Now don't get me wrong, I like my cheesy techno, but why does it have to be based on music I like, thus debasing my enjoyment of the original?
b) The original was written in protest at the Australian government's treatment of the Aborigines. Midnight Oil performed this song at the 2000 Olympics, dressed all in black with Sorry written across their backs. The cover is sung by people who don't appear to understand what they are singing.

I wouldn't be angry if they covered a crap original song. But why take a great song and strip it of everything meaningful? Original below:

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Monday, February 16, 2009

One Nation under CCTV addendum

As an addendum to my earlier post on surveillance, I have belatedly noticed a much better written post at Public Address on the same topic. I knew there was a reason I was reluctant to register my Oyster card.

PS there is a pub up the road from our place where the landlord is in a spot of bother for refusing to install CCTV in his pub. And, I see that there are more cameras around Kings Cross than I thought, 642 to be precise...

PPS I was surprised by how many London landmarks I recognised in the following Pet Shop Boys video, does this mean I am going native:

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don McGlashan is a demigod

Don McGlashan is the greatest pop artist in New Zealand. A big call, but I think I can back up my hyperbole.

I will not let you down, off his album Warm Hand. For some reason this song in particular always has an effect on me, which is independent of its sterling use in movie soundtracks.

We went to see him a few weeks back, and it was mesmerising. I have seen him before a few times, but this time was way more intimate - just 50 people in a tiny Soho basement dive and him alone on stage. He played all my favourites (while you sleep, envy of angels, thing well made), and the nice thing about these three not being pop anthems was that no one sang along. Pet peeve averted...

his stage presence is incredible. It was just him on stage with a guitar and euphonium, and he was able to recreate songs like envy of angels with just a couple of loop pedals. His voice is in astonishing condition - he is 49 and still has all his high notes in chest voice. The clip below gives an idea of what I am talking about, it shows his musicality (and charismatic humour, which never goes amiss):

So that is his stage presence and general level of musicianship. Next, songwriting. Most of the music on the radio I can transcribe in my head, I-IV-V etc. Not to talk myself up, the majority of pop music chord patterns are not that complex. Not so Don McGlashan, his chords are sexy. (Which means I have outed myself as a complete music nerd, but you knew that already).

Finally, lyrics. From the opening of Thing well made:

She's wearing her don't talk to me face as she makes the kids' lunches
I oblige and quietly close the back door as I leave
I drive into town before the fog lifts
I sell sporting goods - I've got a shop not far from Cathedral Square
I like to open up early so fellas can come in on their way to work
And daydream around the rods and reels
while their breakfast's still warm inside them
Why don't you take a look.
I'm proud of my shop.
Almost everything's from overseas - you won't find a better selection

So there we have it, the holy trinity of stage presence/musicianship, songwriting, and lyrics. I accept that there may be other New Zealand pop artists who do one of these crafts as well as Don McGlashan. But no one else has all three.

Plus,for those who like men, I am told by reliable and multiple sources that Don McGlashan is one of the few examples of a hot male ginger, and that he has become hotter with age. We are not talking Jonas Brothers underage pretty boy looks, this is craggy/weathered man hotness. Apparently.If you're into it.

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