Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rabbit with chocolate and tomato - 6/10

When we were back in NZ Dad served up his homegrown rabbit for dinner, and it was delicious.

I haven't cooked rabbit before, and as we returned to the UK with our trusty casserole I thought this would be worth a crack. I found a recipe for chocolate and tomato rabbit - apparently the original recipe was an Incan delicacy, with chihuahuas bred especially for eating. Probably tastier than the dog I had in Vietnam, but back to the rabbit recipe:

Brown rabbit and an onion
Cook for half an hour with a tin of tomatoes, a glass of white wine, some stock, and a stale bread roll broken into chunks. It was in the recipe, honest...
Add some garlic, 25g bitter chocolate, some almonds, a bit of parsley, and cook for another couple of hours.

Overall mark for the recipe: 6/10. Good, but no wow factor and it could be better. I couldn't really taste the chocolate, and also, after 3 hours (I cooked it a bit longer, and the rabbit was still very firm) the ingredients which weren't rabbit kind of lost their definition.
I think next time I will cook the rabbit for an hour and a half with just the liquids, remove meat from the bones, and cook the removed meat with the other ingredients for an hour. Wild rabbit really does need a long time at a low heat - at least the one I bought did - but it is quite tasty if you go to that effort. And relatively inexpensive - one rabbit was 4.50, and it easily yielded enough meat for three servings.
Maybe next time I will try rabbit pie. Mmm pie, everything is better in a pie.