Sunday, September 2, 2007

Simon's thoughts from Auckland Airport

Posting from Auckland Airport, thriving destination that it is.
I think the moment that this whole indefinite stay overseas thang kicked in was when I was filling out my NZ Customs departure card. Every single previous time I have filled in one of these cards, for the question 'how long will you be away from New Zealand' I have put in x number of days, where 7 < x < 41.
This time I ticked the box labeled 'permanently', which seemed kind of final to me. Why can't they have a box marked 'unknown, anywhere between 6 months and 6 years'? This would have fit my mood much better.
In other news, my mullet is developing nicely.

Also, assorted family shots from the airport and our outing to the Paraparaumu RSA as follows:

Finally, Marie and I have exit row seats for the Auckland- Bangkok flight, after the check in woman took pity on me. I am quite excited at the upcoming lack of circulation problems.


Dave said...

Bon voyage kids!


Don said...

How can a usually sane and rational person use the words "my mullet" and "developing nicely" in the same blog let alone the same sentence?